Create chord

chord  tonic (symbol), name (symbol)

Creates an immutable ring of Midi note numbers when given a tonic note and a chord type. If only passed a chord type, will default the tonic to 0. See examples.

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

puts (chord :e, :minor)

# returns a ring of midi notes - (ring 64, 67, 71)

# Example 2

play (chord :e, :minor)

# Play all the notes together

# Example 3

play (chord :e3, :minor, invert: 0)
play (chord :e3, :minor, invert: 1)
play (chord :e3, :minor, invert: 2)

# Chord inversions (see the fn chord_invert)
# Play the basic :e3, :minor chord - (ring 52, 55, 59)
# Play the first inversion of :e3, :minor - (ring 55, 59, 64)
# Play the first inversion of :e3, :minor - (ring 59, 64, 67)

# Example 4

puts (chord :minor)

# You can create a chord without a tonic:
#=> (ring 0, 3, 7)

# Example 5

live_loop :arp do
  play chord(:e, :minor, num_octaves: 2).tick, release: 0.1
  sleep 0.125

# chords are great for arpeggiators

# Example 6

(chord :C, '1')
(chord :C, '5')
(chord :C, '+5')
(chord :C, 'm+5')
(chord :C, :sus2)
(chord :C, :sus4)
(chord :C, '6')
(chord :C, :m6)
(chord :C, '7sus2')
(chord :C, '7sus4')
(chord :C, '7-5')
(chord :C, 'm7-5')
(chord :C, '7+5')
(chord :C, 'm7+5')
(chord :C, '9')
(chord :C, :m9)
(chord :C, 'm7+9')
(chord :C, :maj9)
(chord :C, '9sus4')
(chord :C, '6*9')
(chord :C, 'm6*9')
(chord :C, '7-9')
(chord :C, 'm7-9')
(chord :C, '7-10')
(chord :C, '9+5')
(chord :C, 'm9+5')
(chord :C, '7+5-9')
(chord :C, 'm7+5-9')
(chord :C, '11')
(chord :C, :m11)
(chord :C, :maj11)
(chord :C, '11+')
(chord :C, 'm11+')
(chord :C, '13')
(chord :C, :m13)
(chord :C, :add2)
(chord :C, :add4)
(chord :C, :add9)
(chord :C, :add11)
(chord :C, :add13)
(chord :C, :madd2)
(chord :C, :madd4)
(chord :C, :madd9)
(chord :C, :madd11)
(chord :C, :madd13)
(chord :C, :major)
(chord :C, :M)
(chord :C, :minor)
(chord :C, :m)
(chord :C, :major7)
(chord :C, :dom7)
(chord :C, '7')
(chord :C, :M7)
(chord :C, :minor7)
(chord :C, :m7)
(chord :C, :augmented)
(chord :C, :a)
(chord :C, :diminished)
(chord :C, :dim)
(chord :C, :i)
(chord :C, :diminished7)
(chord :C, :dim7)
(chord :C, :i7)

# Sonic Pi supports a large range of chords
# Notice that the more exotic ones have to be surrounded by ' quotes