Create a ring buffer with the specified start, finish and step size

range  start (number), finish (number), step_size (number)

Create a new ring buffer from the range arguments (start, finish and step size). Step size defaults to 1. Indexes wrap around positively and negatively

Introduced in v2.2


# Example 1

(range 1, 5)   

#=> (ring 1, 2, 3, 4)

# Example 2

(range 1, 5, inclusive: true)

#=> (ring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Example 3

(range 1, 5, step: 2)

#=> (ring 1, 3)

# Example 4

(range 1, -5, step: 2)

#=> (ring 1, -1, -3)

# Example 5

(range 1, -5, step: 2)[-1]

#=> -3