Convert a degree into a note

degree  degree (symbol_or_number), tonic (symbol), scale (symbol)

For a given scale and tonic it takes a symbol/string/number and resolves it to a midi note. The degree can be either a decimal number or a roman numeral (if it’s a string or symbol), and may optionally be prefixed an augmentation (a/d for an augmented/diminished interval, aa/dd for double augmented/diminished or p for a perfect (unchanged) interval).

Introduced in v2.1


# Example 1

play degree(:iii, :D3, :major)
play degree(3, :C3, :minor)
play degree('d5', :B3, :major)

# major third up from :D3
# minor third up from :C3
# diminished fifth up from :B3

# Example 2

chrd = []
[:i, :iii, :v, :dvii, :dix, :Axi, :xiii].each do |d| 
  chrd.append (degree d, :Fs, :major) 
play chrd 

# for each degree in the chord
# add the corresponding note
# play an F# 13+11-9 chord, using roman numeral symbols

# Example 3

chrd = []
['1', '3', '5', 'd7', 'd9', 'A11', '13'].each do |d|
  chrd.append (degree d, :Fs, :major)
play chrd 

# the same chord as above, but using decimal number strings