Cue other threads

cue  cue_id (symbol)

Send a heartbeat synchronisation message containing the (virtual) timestamp of the current thread. Useful for syncing up external threads via the sync fn. Any opts which are passed are given to the thread which syncs on the cue_id. The values of the opts must be immutable. Currently numbers, symbols, booleans, nil and frozen strings, or vectors/rings/frozen arrays/maps of immutable values are supported.

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

in_thread do
    sync :foo
    sample :ambi_lunar_land
  sleep 5
  cue :foo

# this parks the current thread waiting for a foo cue message to be received.
# We send a cue message from the main thread.
# This then unblocks the thread above and we then hear the sample

# Example 2

in_thread do  
    loop do     
      cue :tick 
      sleep 0.5 
  loop do                   
    sync :tick              
    sample :drum_heavy_kick 

# Start a metronome thread
# Loop forever:
# sending tick heartbeat messages
# and sleeping for 0.5 beats between ticks
# We can now play sounds using the metronome.
# In the main thread, just loop
# waiting for :tick cue messages
# after which play the drum kick sample

# Example 3

in_thread do  
    loop do     
      cue [:foo, :bar, :baz].choose
      sleep 0.5 
  in_thread do
    loop do             
      sync :foo         
      sample :elec_beep 
  in_thread do
    loop do             
      sync :bar         
      sample :elec_flip 
  in_thread do
    loop do             
      sync :baz         
      sample :elec_blup 

# Start a metronome thread
# Loop forever:
# sending one of three tick heartbeat messages randomly
# and sleeping for 0.5 beats between ticks
# We can now play sounds using the metronome:
# In the main thread, just loop
# waiting for :foo cue messages
# after which play the elec beep sample
# In the main thread, just loop
# waiting for :bar cue messages
# after which play the elec flip sample
# In the main thread, just loop
# waiting for :baz cue messages
# after which play the elec blup sample

# Example 4

in_thread do
    loop do
      cue :tick, foo: 64 
      sleep 0.5
  loop do
    values = sync :tick
    play values[:foo]   

# sending tick heartbeat messages with a value :foo
# The value for :foo can now be used in synced threads
# play the note value from :foo