Load external synthdefs

load_synthdefs  path (string)

Load all pre-compiled synth designs in the specified directory. The binary files containing synth designs need to have the extension .scsyndef. This is useful if you wish to use your own SuperCollider synthesiser designs within Sonic Pi.

Important notes

You may not trigger external synthdefs unless you enable the following GUI preference:

Studio -> Synths and FX -> Enable external synths and FX

Also, if you wish your synth to work with Sonic Pi’s automatic stereo sound infrastructure you need to ensure your synth outputs a stereo signal to an audio bus with an index specified by a synth arg named out_bus. For example, the following synth would work nicely:

         {|freq = 200, amp = 1, out_bus = 0 |
                  SinOsc.ar([freq,freq],0,0.5)* Line.kr(1, 0, 5, amp, doneAction: 2))}

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

load_synthdefs "~/Desktop/my_noises"

# Load all synthdefs in my_noises folder