Stretch a sequence of values

stretch  list (anything), count (number)

Stretches a list of values each value repeated count times. Always returns a ring regardless of the type of the list that is stretched. To preserve type, consider using .stretch i.e. (ramp 1, 2, 3).stretch(2) #=> (ramp 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)

Introduced in v2.6


# Example 1

(stretch [1,2], 3)   

#=> (ring 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2)

# Example 2

(stretch [:e2, :c3], 1, [:c2, :d3], 2)

#=> (ring :e2, :c3, :c2, :c2, :d3, :d3)