
note: 52 amp: 1 pan: 0 attack: 0.05
decay: 0 sustain: 0 release: 1 attack_level: 1
decay_level: sustain_level sustain_level: 1 env_curve: 2 cutoff: 130
res: 0.1

use_synth :hoover

Classic early 90’s rave synth - ‘a sort of slurry chorussy synth line like the classic Dominator by Human Resource’. Based on Dan Stowell’s implementation in SuperCollider and Daniel Turczanski’s port to Overtone. Works really well with portamento (see docs for the ‘control’ method).

Introduced in v2.6



Note to play. Either a MIDI number or a symbol representing a note. For example: 30, 52, :C, :C2, :Eb4, or :Ds3

Default: 52
Must be zero or greater
May be changed whilst playing
Has slide options to shape changes


The amplitude of the sound. Typically a value between 0 and 1. Higher amplitudes may be used, but won’t make the sound louder, they will just reduce the quality of all the sounds currently being played (due to compression.)

Default: 1
Must be zero or greater
May be changed whilst playing
Has slide options to shape changes


Position of sound in stereo. With headphones on, this means how much of the sound is in the left ear, and how much is in the right ear. With a value of -1, the sound is completely in the left ear, a value of 0 puts the sound equally in both ears and a value of 1 puts the sound in the right ear. Values in between -1 and 1 move the sound accordingly.

Default: 0
Must be a value between -1 and 1 inclusively
May be changed whilst playing
Has slide options to shape changes


Amount of time (in beats) for sound to reach full amplitude (attack_level). A short attack (i.e. 0.01) makes the initial part of the sound very percussive like a sharp tap. A longer attack (i.e 1) fades the sound in gently. Full length of sound is attack + decay + sustain + release.

Default: 0.05
Must be zero or greater
Can not be changed once set
Scaled with current BPM value


Amount of time (in beats) for the sound to move from full amplitude (attack_level) to the sustain amplitude (sustain_level).

Default: 0
Must be zero or greater
Can not be changed once set
Scaled with current BPM value


Amount of time (in beats) for sound to remain at sustain level amplitude. Longer sustain values result in longer sounds. Full length of sound is attack + decay + sustain + release.

Default: 0
Must be zero or greater
Can not be changed once set
Scaled with current BPM value


Amount of time (in beats) for sound to move from sustain level amplitude to silent. A short release (i.e. 0.01) makes the final part of the sound very percussive (potentially resulting in a click). A longer release (i.e 1) fades the sound out gently. Full length of sound is attack + decay + sustain + release.

Default: 1
Must be zero or greater
Can not be changed once set
Scaled with current BPM value


Amplitude level reached after attack phase and immediately before decay phase

Default: 1
Must be zero or greater
Can not be changed once set


Amplitude level reached after decay phase and immediately before sustain phase. Defaults to sustain_level unless explicitly set

Default: sustain_level
Must be zero or greater
Can not be changed once set


Amplitude level reached after decay phase and immediately before release phase.

Default: 1
Must be zero or greater
Can not be changed once set


Select the shape of the curve between levels in the envelope. 1=linear, 2=exponential, 3=sine, 4=welch, 6=squared, 7=cubed

Default: 2
Must be one of the following values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]
Can not be changed once set


MIDI note representing the highest frequencies allowed to be present in the sound. A low value like 30 makes the sound round and dull, a high value like 100 makes the sound buzzy and crispy.

Default: 130
Must be zero or greater,must be a value less than 131
May be changed whilst playing
Has slide options to shape changes


Filter resonance as a value between 0 and 1. Large amounts of resonance (a res: near 1) can create a whistling sound around the cutoff frequency. Smaller values produce less resonance.

Default: 0.1
Must be zero or greater,must be a value less than 1
May be changed whilst playing
Has slide options to shape changes