Pre-load all matching samples

load_samples  paths (list)

Given a directory containing multiple .wav, .wave, .aif, .aiff, .ogg, .oga or .flac files, pre-loads all the samples into memory.

You may also specify the same set of source and filter pre-args available to sample itself. load_sample will load all matching samples (not just the sample sample would play given the same opts) - see sample’s docs for more information.

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

load_sample :elec_blip
 sample :elec_blip

# :elec_blip is now loaded and ready to play as a sample
# No delay takes place when attempting to trigger it

# Example 2

 dir = "/path/to/sample/dir"
 load_sample dir
 load_sample dir, 1
 load_sample dir, :foo
 load_sample dir, "quux"
 load_sample dir, /[Bb]ar/

# Using source and filter pre-args
# loads all samples in "/path/to/sample/dir"
# loads sample with index 1 in "/path/to/sample/dir"
# loads sample with name "foo" in "/path/to/sample/dir"
# loads all samples with file names containing "quux" in "/path/to/sample/dir"
# loads all samples which match regex /[Bb]ar/ in "/path/to/sample/dir"