Obtain value of a tick


Read and return value of default tick. If a key is specified, read the value of that specific tick. Ticks are in_thread and live_loop local, so the tick read will be the tick of the current thread calling look.

Introduced in v2.6


# Example 1

puts look
  puts look
  puts look

#=> 0
#=> 0
#=> 0 # look doesn't advance the tick, it just returns the current value

# Example 2

puts look
  puts look
  puts look
  puts look
  puts look

#=> 0 # A look is always 0 before the first tick
# advance the tick
#=> 0 # Note: a look is still 0 after the first tick.
#=> 1
#=> 1 # making multiple calls to look doesn't affect tick value
#=> 2

# Example 3

  puts look(:foo)
  puts look
  puts look(:bar)

#=> 1 (keyed look :foo has been advanced)
#=> 0 (default look hasn't been advanced)
#=> 0 (other keyed looks haven't been advanced either)

# Example 4

  live_loop :foo do
    use_synth :beep
    play (scale :e3, :minor_pentatonic).look 
    sleep 0.5
    use_synth :square
    play (ring :e1, :e2, :e3).look, release: 0.25
    sleep 0.25

# You can call look on lists and rings
# advance the default tick
# look into the default tick to play all notes in sequence
# use the same look on another ring

# Example 5

puts look(0)    
puts look(4)    
puts look(-4)   
puts look(20.3) 

# Returns numbers unchanged if single argument
#=> 0
#=> 4
#=> -4
#=> 20.3