Estado del Tiempo (Time State)

Often it is useful to have information that is shared across multiple threads or live loops. For example, you might want to share a notion of the current key, BPM or even more abstract concepts such as the current ‘complexity’ (which you’d potentially interpret in different ways across different threads). We also don’t want to lose any of our existing determinism guarantees when doing this. In other words, we’d still like to be able to share code with others and know exactly what they’ll hear when they run it. At the end of Section 5.6 of this tutorial we briefly discussed why we should not use variables to share information across threads due to a loss of determinism (in turn due to race conditions).

Sonic Pi’s solution to the problem of easily working with global variables in a deterministic way is through a novel system it calls Time State. This might sound complex and difficult (in fact, in the UK, programming with multiple threads and shared memory is typically a university level subject). However, as you’ll see, just like playing your first note, Sonic Pi makes it incredibly simple to share state across threads whilst still keeping your programs thread-safe and deterministic..

Dales la bienvenida a get y set