Trigger and release an external synth via MIDI

midi  note (number)

Sends a MIDI note on event to all connected MIDI devices and all channels and then after sustain beats sends a MIDI note off event. Ensures MIDI trigger is synchronised with standard calls to play and sample. Co-operates completely with Sonic Pi’s timing system including time_warp.

If note is specified as :off then all notes will be turned off (same as midi_all_notes_off).

Introduced in v3.0


# Example 1

midi :e1, sustain: 0.3, vel_f: 0.5, channel: 3

# Play E, octave 1 for 0.3 beats at half velocity on channel 3 on all connected MIDI ports.

# Example 2

midi :off, channel: 3

#=> Turn off all notes on channel 3 on all connected MIDI ports

# Example 3

midi :e1, channel: 3, port: "foo"

#=> Play note :E1 for 1 beats on channel 3 on MIDI port named "foo" only

# Example 4

live_loop :arp do
  midi (octs :e1, 3).tick, sustain: 0.1
  sleep 0.125

# repeatedly play a ring of octaves