Set random seed generator to known seed

use_random_seed  seed (number)

Resets the random number generator to the specified seed. All subsequently generated random numbers and randomisation functions such as shuffle and choose will use this new generator and the current generator is discarded. Use this to change the sequence of random numbers in your piece in a way that can be reproduced. Especially useful if combined with iteration. See examples.

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

  use_random_seed 1
  puts rand
  use_random_seed 1
  puts rand 

# Basic usage
# reset random seed to 1
# => 0.417022004702574
# reset random seed back to 1
#=> 0.417022004702574

# Example 2

  notes = (scale :eb3, :minor_pentatonic) 
  with_fx :reverb do
    live_loop :repeating_melody do        
      use_random_seed 300                 
      8.times do                          
        play notes.choose, release: 0.1   
        sleep 0.125

# Generating melodies
# Create a set of notes to choose from.
# Scales work well for this
# Create a live loop
# Set the random seed to a known value every
# time around the loop. This seed is the key
# to our melody. Try changing the number to
# something else. Different numbers produce
# different melodies
# Now iterate a number of times. The size of
# the iteration will be the length of the
# repeating melody.
# 'Randomly' choose a note from our ring of
# notes. See how this isn't actually random
# but uses a reproducible method! These notes
# are therefore repeated over and over...