Send raw MIDI message


Sends the raw MIDI message to all connected MIDI devices. Gives you direct access to sending the individual bytes of a MIDI message. Typically this should be rarely used - prefer the other midi_ fns where possible.

A raw MIDI message consists of multiple bytes as numbers in decimal notation (i.e. 176), hex (0xb0) or binary (0b10110000).

See for a summary of MIDI messages and their corresponding byte structures.

Introduced in v3.0


# Example 1

midi_raw 176, 121, 0 

#=> Sends the MIDI reset command

# Example 2

midi_raw 176.1, 120.5, 0.49 

#=> Sends the MIDI reset command (values are rounded down, up and down respectively)

# Example 3

midi_raw 0xb0, 0x79, 0x0 

#=> Sends the MIDI reset command

# Example 4

midi_raw 0b10110000, 0b01111001, 0b00000000 

#=> Sends the MIDI reset command