Repeat do/end block forever


Given a do/end block, repeats it forever. Note that once the program enters the loop - it will not move on but will instead stay within the loop. Plain loops like this are like black holes - instead of sucking in the light they suck in the program.

The loop must either sleep or sync each time round otherwise it will stop and throw an error. This is to stop the loop from spinning out of control and locking the system.

For a more powerful, flexible loop built for live coding see live_loop.

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

play 70      
loop do
  play 50    
  sleep 1
  play 62
  sleep 2
play 80     

# note 70 is played
# This loop will repeat notes 50 and 62 forever
# This is *never* played as the program is trapped in the loop above