Jump forward random generator

rand_skip  amount (number)

Jump the random generator forward essentially skipping the next call to rand. You may specify an amount to jump allowing you to skip n calls to rand.

Introduced in v2.7


# Example 1

  puts rand
  puts rand

# Basic rand stream skip
# prints 0.75006103515625
# jump random stream forward one
# typically the next rand is 0.733917236328125
# prints 0.464202880859375

# Example 2

  puts rand
  puts rand
  puts rand
  puts rand
  puts rand
  puts rand 0.24249267578125

# Jumping forward multiple places in the rand stream
# prints 0.75006103515625
# prints 0.733917236328125
# prints 0.464202880859375
# prints 0.24249267578125
# reset the random stream
# prints 0.75006103515625
# jump random stream forward three places
# the result of the next call to rand will be
# exactly the same as if rand had been called
# three times