Send MIDI note on message

midi_note_on  note (midi), velocity (midi)

Sends a MIDI Note On Event to all connected devices on all channels. Use the port: and channel: opts to indepently restrict which MIDI ports and channels are used.

Note and velocity values can be passed as a note symbol such as :e3 or a MIDI number such as 52. Decimal values will be rounded down or up to the nearest whole number - so values between 3.5 and 4 will be rounded up to 4 and values between 3.49999… and 3 will be rounded down to 3. These values will also be clipped within the range 0->127 so all values lower than 0 will be increased to 0 and all values greater than 127 will be reduced to 127.

The velocity param may be omitted - in which case it will default to 127 unless you supply it as an opt via the keys velocity: or vel_f:.

You may also optionally pass the velocity value as a floating point value between 0 and 1 such as 0.2 or 0.785 (which will be linearly mapped to MIDI values between 0 and 127) using the vel_f: opt.

MIDI 1.0 Specification - Channel Voice Messages - Note on event

Introduced in v3.0


# Example 1

midi_note_on :e3 

#=> Sends MIDI note on :e3 with the default velocity of 12 to all ports and channels

# Example 2

midi_note_on :e3, 12 

#=> Sends MIDI note on :e3 with velocity 12 to all channels

# Example 3

midi_note_on :e3, 12, channel: 3 

#=> Sends MIDI note on :e3 with velocity 12 on channel 3

# Example 4

midi_note_on :e3, velocity: 100

#=> Sends MIDI note on for :e3 with velocity 100

# Example 5

midi_note_on :e3, vel_f: 0.8

#=> Scales velocity 0.8 to MIDI value 102 and sends MIDI note on for :e3 with velocity 102

# Example 6

midi_note_on 60.3, 50.5

#=> Rounds params up or down to the nearest whole number and sends MIDI note on for note 60 with velocity 51

# Example 7

midi_note_on :e3, channel: [1, 3, 5]

#=> Send MIDI note :e3 on to channels 1, 3, 5 on all connected ports

# Example 8

midi_note_on :e3, port: ["foo", "bar"]

#=> Send MIDI note :e3 on to on all channels on ports named "foo" and "bar"

# Example 9

midi_note_on :e3, channel: 1, port: "foo"

#=> Send MIDI note :e3 on only on channel 1 on port "foo"