Play pattern of notes

play_pattern  notes (list)

Play list of notes with the current synth one after another with a sleep of 1

Accepts optional args for modification of the synth being played. See each synth’s documentation for synth-specific opts. See use_synth and with_synth for changing the current synth.

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

play_pattern [40, 41, 42]

# Same as:
#   play 40
#   sleep 1
#   play 41
#   sleep 1
#   play 42

# Example 2

play_pattern [:d3, :c1, :Eb5]

# You can use keyword notes

# Example 3

play_pattern [:d3, :c1, :Eb5], amp: 0.5, cutoff: 90

# Supports the same arguments as play: