Describe note

note  note (symbol_or_number)

Takes a midi note, a symbol (e.g. :C) or a string (e.g. "C") and resolves it to a midi note. You can also pass an optional octave: parameter to get the midi note for a given octave. Please note - octave: param overrides any octave specified in a symbol i.e. :c3. If the note is nil, :r or :rest, then nil is returned (nil represents a rest)

Introduced in v2.0


# Example 1

puts note(60)
puts note(:C)
puts note(:C4)
puts note('C')

# These all return 60 which is the midi number for middle C (octave 4)

# Example 2

puts note(60, octave: 2)

puts note(:C, octave: 2)
puts note(:C4, octave: 2)
puts note('C', octave: 2)

# returns 60 - octave param has no effect if we pass in a number
# These all return 36 which is the midi number for C2 (two octaves below middle C)
# note the octave param overrides any octaves specified in a symbol