Increment a tick and return value

tick  key (symbol)

Increment the default tick by 1 and return value. Successive calls to tick will continue to increment the default tick. If a key is specified, increment that specific tick. If an increment value is specified, increment key by that value rather than 1. Ticks are in_thread and live_loop local, so incrementing a tick only affects the current thread’s version of that tick. See tick_reset and tick_set for directly manipulating the tick vals.

Introduced in v2.6


# Example 1

puts tick
  puts tick
  puts tick
  puts tick

#=> 0
#=> 1
#=> 2
#=> 3

# Example 2

puts tick(:foo)
  puts tick(:foo)
  puts tick(:foo)
  puts tick(:bar)

#=> 0 # named ticks have their own counts
#=> 1
#=> 2
#=> 0 # tick :bar is independent of tick :foo

# Example 3

  puts tick            
  puts tick            
  puts tick            
  puts tick(step: 2)   
  puts tick(step: 2)   
  puts tick(step: 10)  
  puts tick            

# You can tick by more than increments of 1
# using the step: opt
#=> 0
#=> 1
#=> 2
#=> 4
#=> 6
#=> 16
#=> 17

# Example 4

  live_loop :fast_tick do
    puts tick  
    sleep 2    
  live_loop :slow_tick do
    puts tick  
    sleep 4    

# Each_live loop has its own separate ticks
# the fast_tick live_loop's tick will
# be updated every 2 seconds
# the slow_tick live_loop's tick is
# totally independent from the fast_tick
# live loop and will be updated every 4
# seconds

# Example 5

live_loop :regular_tick do
    puts tick  
    sleep 1    
  live_loop :random_reset_tick do
    if one_in 3
      puts "reset tick!"
    puts tick  
    sleep 1    

# the regular_tick live_loop's tick will
# be updated every second
# randomly reset tick
# this live_loop's tick is totally
# independent and the reset only affects
# this tick.

# Example 6

  live_loop :scale do
    play [:c, :d, :e, :f, :g].tick  
    sleep 1

# Ticks work directly on lists, and will tick through each element
# However, once they get to the end, they'll return nil
# play all notes just once, then rests

# Example 7

  live_loop :odd_scale do
    play [:c, :d, :e, :f, :g, :a].tick  
    sleep 1

# Normal ticks interact directly with list ticks
# Increment the default tick
# this now play every *other* note just once,
# then rests

# Example 8

  live_loop :looped_scale do
    play (ring :c, :d, :e, :f, :g).tick  
    sleep 1

# Ticks work wonderfully with rings
# as the ring ensures the tick wraps
# round internally always returning a
# value
# play all notes just once, then repeats

# Example 9

  live_loop :looped_scale do
    play (scale :e3, :minor_pentatonic).tick  
    sleep 0.25

# Ticks work wonderfully with scales
# which are also rings
# play all notes just once, then repeats